How To Get The Most Out Of Your At Home Training Program

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Have you found your groove yet? 

If not, don't worry, it will come. :-)

It's been great to see so many of you turning up for our LIVE 613 Community Zoom  classes...

If you haven't yet joined us, what are you waiting for? :-)

Maybe the technology is intimidating... (If so, please reach out for help! We promise it's easy as pie!)

Maybe you’ve been paralyzed from fear of the unknown... (You can jump on without video if you prefer.)

Or, maybe stress and anxiety have taken over... (Working out with friends will definitely help ease the tension!)

Whatever the case, we hope that with the help of this post you'll finally decide to take the leap! 

Here are 5 tips to help you get the most out of your LIVE 613 COMMUNITY Zoom classes:


Check the workout of the day on your Train Heroic app before the class starts so you know what to expect. 

Even better, write it down somewhere so you always know what's coming next.

Videos are available for each movement. Click the video thumbnail at the bottom of the screen and the videos for all movements will appear.

Be sure to watch the videos before class for any movements you don't recognize. 


The worst thing that can happen in an online training session is... 

Your phone/ipad/laptop battery runs out!

What did you think we were going to say? :-)

Make sure to charge your device or leave it plugged in if possible so you aren't forced to take an unexpected break!


Set up a workout area that's approximately in your house 8’ X 8’ with some overhead clearance. 

Even better, with the nicer weather find some space outside!

If you plan to keep your video on, make sure to plan a place for your device so that your entire body is in view. 

The coach needs to be able to see you in order to make corrections and help you perform the movements properly.


One of the things that make our 613 COMMUNITY program special is just that, the community! 

We encourage you to actively participate in our training app by posting your workout results, and interacting on the messaging feeds.

This is a great way to get to know other members of our community, and a great way to connect with our coach's who are available to answer questions and provide feedback. 


It's easy to get wrapped up in all the little details when it comes to exercise. 

However, research suggests that the number 1 factor for long term success is consistency!

Over the long term, those who are able to stay consistent with their exercise routine will see the most progress!

While there are 5 written workouts for you each week, we encourage you to consistently participate in at least 2, ideally 3-4 workouts a week!

This is the sweet spot and your best bet for getting the most out of the program. It can be really helpful to create a schedule for yourself at the beginning of the week and block off specific times to complete your workouts, just like you would if you were going to an actual gym! 

See you on the next Live 613 COMMUNITY Zoom class!


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