How To Be A Great Training Partner


Our number one Priority is to provide you with a safe, fun, and effective workout each time you step into the gym. Following these simple guidelines with make sure everyone's experience is the best it can be! 

1.  Show Up On Time

A minute or two everyone once in a while is no big deal.  Life is busy and we get it! But habitually showing up late to class will only stall your progress!  Showing up right on time only to spend five minutes getting changed/ready is no better! Arriving five or ten minutes early means you will be ready to participate in the entire warm up; preparing you for the work ahead, and putting you at less risk of injury.    

2.  Don't Drop Empty Barbells

We want to provide you with top of the line equipment to train with and barbells are a big part of that experience. Help us keep our barbells in tip top shape following a few simple rules. When the barbell is empty, place it on the floor or rack under control.  This will keep the barbells from being damaged, and provide you with a better training experience! 

3.  Pay Attention When the Coach Is Talking

It doesn't matter whether you have been Crossfitting for years or months, it is disrespectful to have your own conversation when the coach is talking.  Especially when giving workout/exercise instruction.  You may know how to perform all of the movements but not everyone does.  So just be patient and let the coach do his or her thing.  And who knows, maybe you'll learn something new about the lift you didn't know!

4.  Respect Other's Space

This is important from a safety perspective.  The last thing we want to see is an athlete fall or trip into someones else (especially if they are doing a heavy lift).  If you see someone preparing to lift, do them (and yourself) and favour and wait until they are done before you walk in front or behind them .

5.  Avoid Ghost Riding

Ghost riding refers to the phenomenon of dropping barbells, kettlebells and all manner of equipment from overhead, regardless of the situation or weight. This is important because dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells with thin plates can bounce when dropped from overhead and ricochet into yourself, other equipment, or other people. Now we are not saying you can never drop the bar, just try and save it for the heavier lifts.  

6.  Introduce Yourself to Newcomers

See a new face in class? Take a minute and introduce yourself.  Classes can be a little intimidating for beginners so a simple smile and introduction can go a long way to make them feel comfortable and at home. It's important to remember we were all beginners at some point! 

7.  Cancel If You Can't Make It

Nothing is more frustrating than no shows.  If you can't make it, take the minute or two to remove yourself from class.  Especially if you know it's a particularly popular one! 

8.  Wipe Your Equipment Down

More often than not, workouts get sweaty, and we wouldn't want it any other way! This means the equipment can get sweaty as well.  Help us keep our equipment clean and germ free by grabbing some paper towel and wiping it down with disinfectant.  This goes for blood and any other type of bodily fluid as well! 

9. Don't Be A Chalk Monster

Chalk in moderation can be a good tool when you’re using barbells and and hanging from pullup bars.  However too much chalk can actually cause your hands to become slipperier! Keep that in mind next time you chalk up.  And ps.  If your workout involves squats, wallballs and skipping, you can skip the chalk all together!

10. Put Your Stuff Away

his one seems pretty obvious! When you’re finished your workout, return your equipment to its rightful place so the gym is clear for the next class.  This goes for pullup bands as well! 


Podcast: Stay On Track With Your Fitness


613 Success Story: Justin Bennett